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Why It's Important to Celebrate Black Art Now

Updated: Jan 19, 2021

We fellowshipped around Black Art and community at the Mississippi Museum of Art. Get A Peek Into our experience at Black Art Now below!

Prints by Sugar and Soul (Monica) and Dr. Hearn (Photo Credit: MDub Creative)

Art and culture have always been the backbone of society. Art is like a mirror, it shows us who we really are. Last Thursday the Mississippi Museum of Art was filled with black creatives, artists and people to help celebrate Black Art Now during Museum After Hours. Every third Thursday, the Museum opens its doors after hours to partner with and embrace Mississippi’s creative community!

Justin Hardiman (Kail Soul) shares his art with guests

This particular Museum After Hours was a celebration of Black History Month with a pop-up exhibition featuring photographs by Justin Hardiman. We premiered a fun game of Sipp Card Revoked, centered around our state's history, culture and colloquialism. We enjoyed LIVE MUSIC produced by Mississippians FLYWLKR, Sigma, Big Savage, Chris Valentine, Donche, and 5th Child using samples from renowned Mississippi musicians such as Sam Cooke, The Williams Brothers, and David Ruffin.

The energy was so inspiring. One guest, Justin R., described the experience as feeling like a family reunion. To see Mississippi’s creativity celebrated right now, in all its glory, felt like an ode to who we are and who we’ve always been. Black Art Now was a refreshing experience that brought together generations of Mississippians to celebrate Black legacy. This connection and fellowship transcended time, allowing us to experience the past, present and reimagine the future.

Celebrating Black Art Now, remaining present in what and how we create will keep us on the path of redefinition. Through art, we get to redesign ourselves and our experiences. Art instills hope and imagination. We believe consistently centering art and culture will be the foundation of a new Mississippi narrative. Keep creating, keep producing, we need your art! See our video recap below #SippTalk

Photos and video captured by MDub Creative

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